🌹 Rose Giving Maybe This Time It Will Be Different

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
When Poppy saw the next name on her list she frowned. She didn't want to have to track down Freya let alone talk to her. Part of her wondered if she could get away with leaving the flower and note in front of the Hufflepuff common room and considering that good enough. But she sighed as she made her way to the garden. What kind of example would she be for everyone else making deliveries if she did something like that. She would be polite and brief and get it over with. With another sigh, of relief this time, Poppy spotted the other girl and walked over quickly. "You have a rose." she said all in one breath and held out the yellow flower as she dug with her other hand for the note.

@Freya Song
There was a whole array of flower-related names at her disposal, and yet there was something that stopped Freya from purposely mangling Poppy's name as she saw the other girl approach. She didn't understand why, and it irked her that she seemed to be developing some kind of conscience around the Ravenclaw. There was no logical reason for it either. They weren't friends, and it wasn't like Freya cared about what some random person in her year thought of her. "Perkins," she said, pleasantly, if a little stiffly. "I'm guessing this one's not from you?" Freya pouted mockingly and took the rose.
Poppy actually froze for a moment when Freya said her name, it was her last name but it was better than before. She blinked a few times and tried to make sure she hadn't just misheard some kind of jab that had gone over her head. "No." she said in a lighter tone. "It's not from me. But at least you seem to remember my name this time." she said feeling slightly victorious as she handed over the yellow rose. "And there's this." Poppy added as she handed over the note.

Dear Freya
You're a demon in all the best ways
Love you
As there were less than a handful of people who would send Freya a rose, she'd already suspected it would be from Connor. She thanked Poppy and quickly read over the note. It was entirely too cute, and made Freya feel a weird squishy feeling in her gut. Rose deliveries were supposed to just be a stupid fun thing, and Freya hated how unbalanced a simple note made her feel. "Aw, Popcorn, I can't believe you'd think that I would forget your name!" She grinned widely at Poppy. This was completely Connor's fault for reminding her that she was a demon, and therefore she was required to act according to her nature. Absolutely no other reason for it.
Poppy's hesitant smile fell immediately. She wanted to scream and stomp her foot in frustration. Why was it so hard for Freya to just treat her like a person? She didn't like being made fun of like this and she had hoped that maybe they had both grown up just a little by now. "Why do you always do that?" she snapped, unable to contain herself any longer. Her grip tightened on her basket that was still full of flowers. "It's not funny." she insisted.
Freya was taken aback and blinked in surprise at Poppy. She didn't want to make Poppy upset, but she also couldn't deny that she enjoyed getting a reaction out of the other girl. Tilting her head to one side, Freya tried her best doe-eyed innocent expression. "I was dropped on my head as a baby, and now I'm just a cracked cauldron all the way down." she said, and then shrugged. "Why does it even bother you?" Freya rolled her eyes to mask the sincerity of the question. As, again, they weren't friends or anything, so Freya didn't see why Poppy would even care.
Poppy was a little embarrassed that she actually snapped at Freya, the other girl wasn't worth getting so upset over. But she just couldn't help it. "That's not funny." she said much softer this time. "Even if you're cracked you could still be nice." she added and shifted her weight awkwardly when Freya asked why it even bothered her so much. "Because..." she began sounding as indignantly as she had before but she trailed off quickly when she wasn't sure how to answer that question. Poppy sighed and really tried to think about her answer. "Because it makes me feel like I'm not a real person or I'm not worth remembering. And I know I'm not special but I like to think I'm worth a name." she said finally, but kept her eyes firmly on the lavender bush behind the other girl.

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