Open Lost Along The Way

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Friendly Professor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Noël had been getting to know some people the past weeks and he was glad there were more nice people than bullies it seemed. But he was already done with one of his roommates. He was glad that he was still in time to move his stuff to another bed, that wasn't so close with him. And the news of his brother making it to prefect was kind of unexpected for him, but he felt proud and happy for his brother. But he was sure that it would only give him more confidence than he already seemed to be having. If Beaubelle had more of that confidence or like half of what Liam had it would be more fair. His sister seemed to be more fitting for the job, but Liam was doing well it seemed here. Noël couldn't wait to see some quidditch around here and could cheer for some family. Both Gabriel, Liam and Therese were playing and he hoped he could join Gabriel next year at the team. He would do his very best with flying lessons and perhaps he could practice some with his cousin or brother. But he figured he could learn more from Gabriel than his brother. The brown haired boy had seen a lot from the castle already but wanted to see some more. He wanted to find his way around and not get lost. But when he stranded at some courtyard it seemed he had no idea anymore which way he could go. But perhaps it was time for a break, so he spotted an empty bench and went sitting on it. This seemed like a good spot to see some more people and perhaps meet fellow first years. How could you ever find people in here? Did you have to right eachother a note? He didn't even had seen his brother in the castle after stepping of the train. Noël was sure he would be around some girls.
Padme liked the school a lot, if only for the peace that certain area’s of the school would bring her. She had discovered that though she could be surrounded by people in the place, she could also quite easily find little spots for her to just sit and read, where she could enjoy the little peace and quiet that the place provided. She had a few places where she liked to go, but as the weather was a little nicer and the days a little longer, the girl was keen to spend a little more time outside in area’s of the school that were more outside. The hufflepuff had come to the courtyard, she had a book she wanted to get started on but there were a lot of little birds that she could spot in this area, so she’d brought all some bird mix, thanks to the elves in the kitchen. The hufflepuff found a bench in the courtyard, one she could straddle rather than sit properly. She had the book she wanted to read down beside her and had placed the bird mix out in front of her, watching it intently, though no bird seemed to appear. She knew that she couldn’t just sit and watch it, that wouldn’t be right of her to do. The girl picked up her book and began reading, though for every sentence she read, she spent an equal amount of time staring at the bird mix, with little to no success. She was still overwatching it, but she couldn’t help it, she just wanted to see a bird up close like she’d seen others manage. Hopefully it would happen some time soon. She’d be satisfied with just reading, but she was sure this would get frustrating pretty quickly.

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