Old School Week long lost words whisper slowly to me

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
it was late one evening and elvera was feeling uncomfortable. she didn't know why. but there was just a general uneasiness about things. she got up and went for a late wander around the castle it didn't matter to her that it was almost curfew. in fact, it meant that the castle would soon be quiet. as she walked she let her fingers brush against the wall letting it fill her brain with memories, some long forgotten and some not yet born. there had been times when she had been unable to leave divination tower without gloves as the images would overwhelm her but now she could filter the perfect amount without even paying attention.
Kas had never been a particular observer of things like curfew normally, and these days with Connor as head boy, he was getting even more brazen about taking the long way back to the common room. He was starting to reconsider that habit when he nearly bumped into one of the professors, pasting on a quick smile for her. "Evening, Professor. Enjoying the walls I see..."
elvera was lost in a space and a time. the bricks that made up the castle were so old they carried so many memories time mixed up of recent students passing by, times long before it had been a school, and some time in the future she was sure some of her current fourth years walking around as big as the seventh years, and she could have sworn she had seen herself and Eden briefly too. she was jolted back to the here and now as she almost walked into someone. "Oh, Mr Kasim. good evening." she said a little lost. "you wouldn't believe some of the things that they have seen, or will see" she said.
Kas had heard that Professor Le Fey was a seer, though he wasn't sure he totally bought into that, glancing slowly between her and the wall she was fondling. "I dunno if that's an exactly a comforting thought," he said dubiously, glancing around the hallway. "View looks a bit boring up here too, honestly."
elvera shrugged. "most of it is inconsequential goings about chatter and the like. but there has been some drama over the years" she said. "at night you can't see much. but in the day the landscape is vast" she said.
Kas nodded vaguely, Professor Le Fey definitely talked like a seer probably should at least. "So you're just catching up on the gossip then?" He asked with a grin, tapping the brick tentatively. "Anything good?"
Elvera thought for a second trying to focus on the boy in front of her. someone close to you is going to get a new pet she said. It was a weird strong yet vague feeling. She could probably get something more specific or relevant if she looked closer but there wasn’t any real need to.
Kas blinked in confusion at Professor Le Fey's next comment, trying to figure out if he'd somehow missed part of the conversation. "And the bricks... Told you that," he said slowly. "You know I work in a pet store, right?"
Elvera was lost in her world for a second after Kasim spoke before she shook her head. "no something else did. out it isn't the kind of pet that you, professor summers or anyone else would find in a pet shop. she said trying to pull the pieces of this information together like trying to fit together shards of a smashed vase.

OOCOut of Character:
if that isn't true OSW style I dont know what else is. I was thinking of threads the loosely tied to the big plot. and then realised I had not replied to this so sorry about the ridiculously long delay

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