Closed I do too much for you

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk could hardly believe what he was doing. Dressing up was not his thing. He hated it more than anything, but since he was not going out to the ball (unless Amethyst pouted in which case he would have to oblige), he invited Amethyst to his office to have an evening spent in there and away from the eyes of others. He made sure that his hair was slicked back, and the shirt was buttoned up. Well, it got over half way there before the buttons decided to die and fall off. If he could find the buttons, he would have fixed it, but oh well. He did ask her to dress up so at least, he was doing this properly this time. He had his back facing the door, so he had his green eyes fixed on the wall. He had covered up most reflective surfaces since he really did look like one of his brothers dressed like this, and he rather not see that in him. With his arms folded across his chest, he waited for his girlfriend to come in and see what she had done to him. She made him self-conscious and actually try to look good for an occasion - even if it was not exactly special for him.
Amethyst had decided not to chaperone this year if she didn't have to. After all then she'd want Killian to chaperone and he hated that kind of stuff. She had been rather nice to not bring it up in a while. She usually was all over things like this, having never experienced it in school in Russia. She was surprised when Killian decided to make things a bit private for them tonight and invite her to his office, telling her to dress up. Of course she oblidged him, in a pastel pink dress, hair dyed red for the winter season. She entered and saw him with his back turned to her in a dressy outfit. "Well, well, well. You're looking quite handsome Professor Borisyuk," she said with a giggle.
Killian visibly flinched as she giggled and called him handsome. She had not even seen the front, but he could only imagine her thoughts as he turned around. His green eyes washed over her outfit and nodded, "Not quite my pink pygmy puff today." Killian motioned at her dyed hair. He didn't even know what her natural hair color was since he had seen it mainly pink. If that were natural, he would probably have to question if the sky was really blue. "Well, you know I don't like dressing up, and you didn't like what I chose for the Valentine's dance... This is me attempting." Killian walked over to her and sat down on the floor so that she didn't have to injure her neck to talk to him. "The buttons sort of vanished on the top here." Killian motioned toward his shirt that showed off several of his tattoos.
Amethyst played with her hair a bit when he commented on it. "I needed a change. Hope you like it." She said flicking the curls over her shoulder. When he kept speaking her face softened. He tried to dress up... for her? it was awfully sweet and she couldn't help but wonder why he cared so much about her. She was so lucky. She laughed when he said the buttons vanished on the top. "I see you are peeking through a little. Good think you don't have a hairy chest." She moved to stand in-between his legs and hug him around the neck. "You know I almost think you're someone polyjuiced as my Killian. Being so romantic." She teased. "This is sweet. Thank you."
Killian looked over the hair and then remembered the pink. Honestly, he didn't have a preference when it came down to her hair color, but he did like it. Anything was better than purple. And orange. "I do. I don't think I have ever seen your natural hair color though." Killian watched as she approached him, and then was close enough to stand and hug him around his neck. Was he really showing off too much of his chest? It was hard to tell with his tattoos. And then she teased him because he was not acting like himself. He rested one hand on her back to return the hug and muttered, "Don't ruin this with your teasing, because I can go change clothes." Killian hated being teased, and would only put up with it because of his girlfriend. "Besides, you can't polyjuice as a part-giant." Or maybe he couldn't use the polyjuice potion. It was something like that. "If you wanted to go to the dance like this, I'll go. But if you want to remain here, then that's fine too." Killian didn't want to go out to the dance if he could avoid it.
Kilian comments about never having seen her natural hair color and she shrugged. "It's brown, but I don't like it much so I change it every once in a while." She said, happy to share with him any information about herself. He seemed to not appreciate her teasing so she would keep it to a minimum. She just couldn't help it, it was so easy to get him riled up like that. He comments about going out to the dance and she shakes her head. "No. I like having you all to myself. Even if we aren't going to dance." She kissed his cheek. "I love you, Killian. Thank you for setting this up." She looked around. "Why are there things over every reflective surface?"
Killian was a bit shocked when she revealed that she was actually a brunette. He would have thought blonde, but that was because of her hair colors. He actually, gently, took a strand of her hair and looked at the roots, but she was good at coloring so he never would have guessed. "Huh, never knew that." Shouldn't he know it by now? So, if they have kids, they were bound to be brunette. Let's just shove that idea into a box and never think about it again. Killian hoped that she wasn't wearing lipstick or anything with glitter when she kissed his cheek. But she noticed what he had done. "I don't like how much I look like my brother when I dress up." He was referring to Kaelan but shrugged his shoulders. "Is it a little weird?"
Amethyst smiled as he took a strand of her hair into his hand. As if he didn't believe her. She giggled as he commented that he never knew that. "Well, I mean there is one dead give away." She said, pointing at her eyebrows which were brunette in appearance. He remarked that he didn't like looking like his brother and her face softened. "I don't think you look like him. I think you look like you." She said placing her petite hand on his cheek. "But since you've gotten your point across already by dressing up and doing all this, why don't you go get dressed comfortably and we can just hang out." She offered.
Killian watched as she pointed at her eyebrows, and he finally saw that they were brown. Why had he never noticed it? He knew her inside and out, but somehow he missed that? Was he just that oblivious? "Huh. Can't imagine you with that color. If you did that, I'd probably not recognize you, so give me a warning before you change it to brown." Killian saw her dressed up and down, but brown hair over blonde, pink, and red? Probably would not even click. The History of Magic professor shook his head softly since she had her hand on his cheek. "There's no point in changing clothes just to change clothes again before bed. Besides, even if this is more up Kaelan's style, I probably still look hot."

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