Closed Exploring

Timothy Bledsoe

dorky · curious
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
TJ and his roommate had decided that they should spend some time together getting to know the castle a bit more and see if there were faster ways to get around the castle other than the very fickle staircases which decided to change direction at any opportunity. It made being late to class all the more complicated when sometimes you'd end up in a completely different corridor. Maybe they'd even happen upon some cool stuff that the boys could look into more deeply as well. Who knew what they would find, really. TJ and Miro had elected to meet outside of their common room after classes and dropping off their books so that no sneaky prefects would try to get them into trouble for doing nothing explicitly wrong. It was maybe just ill advised given that a school had dungeons. Who ever heard of a school having scary dungeons? He hoped there wasn't anything too scary there because he was just learning spells and had barely mastered anything of actual use.
It had been another day spent cooped up in dusty old classrooms, another day of pretending to learn Miro was all too happy to leave behind for his plans to explore the castle with TJ. The dormies had talked about searching for the secret passageways a few times in passing but never in a way they had actually planned it, at least not until that day and now that it was time for them to explore, Miro couldn't wait to get started. In a state of excitement of the sheer possibility they would discover something new, Miro wasted no time after their last class was dismissed before sprinting to the Gryffindor common room and then their dorm to dump his school books on his bed with a heavy thud, before he ran to meet TJ on the seventh floor corridor. "Hey!" Miro greeted happily, smiling wide as he spotted his friend. Miro had explored the castle by himself countless times with little luck in finding any secrets, the only real achievement of his action the fact he had gotten his bearings in the stone walls and had been less likely to get lost on his way to classes. With TJ to accompany him things would be different, there would be another set of eyes to spot something out of the ordinary and with that alone Miro already felt they were sure to find a passageway, something hidden he wouldn't have been able to see by himself. "I wanna look behind all the paintings in case there's secrets there." Miro added, cutting right to the case and beginning to head down the corridor assuming TJ would follow him.​

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