Open Exploring The Beyond of The Castle

Marley Owens-Lee

adopted 👨‍👧 | wild child 🤪 creative 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
13 (05/2048)
It had only been a couple of days since Marley had arrived at Hogwarts and she was enjoying it very much. She had some friends already and she was quite happy that she managed to make some friends. The girl wanted to see and explore the Hogwarts grounds. She wasn't too sure how much she had seen yet as it seemed that whenever she took a turn somewhere in the castle, it was something that she hadn't seen before. Ghosts, moving pictures and stairs were something she didn't consider in the magical world. Marley decided to venture out into the great lawn and see what else was out there. There were many cool trees with different heights and colours. Marley loved the great outdoors and had decided to climb one of the trees, maybe she could find something up there, who knew.
Dominic was enjoying the freedom that Hogwarts had to offer so far. There was so much to do and endless exploring, and Dominic wondered when he would even be able to find his way easily around the castle. He knew he was going to get himself lost a lot, but he supposed that would be part of the fun.

With some time to spare, Dominic made his way out to the grounds so that he could take some time to explore. He needed to take every opportunity he could get. He was walking through the great lawn however when he noticed something climbing a tree. Upon further inspection he realised it was a person - but it was not just a person - it was Marley! "Hey! Marley! What are you doing up there?" he yelled, wondering if she found something exciting.
Marley whipped her head around when she noticed the familiar voice. "Hey, Dominic!" Marley says happily with a wave. She was glad to see someone that she knew. Marley shrugged at her friends' response. "I thought it would be cool to climb up one of the trees! Maybe find something cool!" Marley says with a giggle. She was only halfway up the tree when Dominic had approached her, so she didn't see if there was anything cool on the tree. "Did you wanna join?"

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