Closed Exploding Bread?

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 5th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
Anisha had been planning this for a while, ever since she had sneaked Indi's Charms book out of her trunk before they left for the train. She knew she wanted to learn the cool spells her sister was learning, they were definitely cooler than whatever they'd be learning in class. Anisha had spent a few evenings looking through the book and knew the spell she wanted to start with. She had debated on trying the Refilling Charm on a glass of milk or something, but there was one spell that really got her attention. A spell to make things explode. Anisha had lingered at the Gryffindor table after lunch, waiting until most teachers were gone at least before she tried this. She opened the book and found the spell, then grabbed a bread roll and put it on her plate. She took a deep breath as she took her wand, pointed it at the bread, then cast the spell. "Confringo!" She said confidently. Unfortunately, nothing happened. Anisha frowned, then tried it again to no avail. She checked the book again, making sure she had gotten the incantation right.
Indi could feel her blood start to boil. She didn't notice anything was missing from her trunk at first. It had taken a few days for her to settle in before she needed to get started on her reading for the semester. When she went for her charms book, it was missing. For a horrified moment she thought she might have forgotten it at home but that wasn't like her and all. Besides she remembered putting it in her trunk days before they had left for New Zealand. That's when it clicked into place. Her sister had always had sticky fingers when it came to her things. A side effect from being away more often than not over the past few years. But this was different than a sweater or a bracelet. She was ready to hex her sister into oblivion when she entered the great hall and saw her there with her book. "What do you think you're doing?!" she nearly shouted from nearly half way across the hall. She didn't care she was making a scene. She wanted a professor to see and get her sister in trouble.
Anisha jumped as she heard her sister shouting, immediately sure it was at her. It was a familiar sound. She grimaced, then closed the book and put her wand away. There was no reason to pretend she wasn't doing what she had been doing. Indi had caught her red-handed. Too bad she hadn't gotten the spell to work before being caught. "Uh, magic?" She asked, smiling sheepishly at her sister.
Indi had a small moment of satisfaction when she saw Anisha jump. She stomped over to the Gryffindor table and glowered at her sister. For a moment all she could do was clench her fist as she tried to find words. She knew if she opened her mouth now she'd likely just let out some kind of screech. She took a deep breath and grabbed the book off the table. "Are you mad!?" she asked, still fuming. Her voice was low and threatening. She rolled her eyes at Anisha's answer. "Doesn't look like it." she snapped. "And it's a good thing too. Do you know how dangerous it is to practice spells that are too advanced for you? You could have blown your face of and I would have been in trouble. Do you think mom would ever forgive me if something happened to you your very first week?" Indi hadn't meant to ramble but the words started coming and wouldn't stop. "Honestly Anisha?! What Were you thinking?!"

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