Closed Every Rock Has A Face

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
After her first dueling match. June made it out of the castle, on her way outside. She didn't even liked to be outside most of the times, hated getting dirty. But she needed fresh air and a place to let out her frustrations. The blonde had put her wand away in her bag and arrived at the lakefront. Putting down the bag on the grass. Watching around her, she was alone. And closed her eyes for an moment and clenched her fists. The professor must have been for Santiago, they sure knew eachother or anything. That must be. June didn't even knew this professor, she had wanted an different one, her head of house was much better. It all sucked, and it could not be her own fault. June was the best student, she still believed that. No one prepared so well or performed so well as she did, so it was just luck, Santiago had on his side. That must be it. The biggest part which June hated was how her father must think of her, how she had to tell him she lost her first duel. She felt axcienty racing through her body. What if he wasn't proud anymore now? What if she was an dissapointment now as well, or he would be mad? It was all she cared about, and feared. June knew her father and the standards he set. And June set the same boundries for herself. She had to come up with an story, to explain how she has lost, he would sure believe it. But this was not what she wanted. Or what she wanted her father to give as he came out of Azkaban. That ment that she had to work even harder in classes, and take on extra's to make the dueling go more to the background. This feeling was strange, she always got what she wanted. June didn't doubt herself, no one would ever lower her confidence. It was clearly not her fault she lost. But she had to find a way to deal with this.

She opened her eyes and hands again and saw some tiny rocks on the ground. She took one and threw it into the water. That was actually really good. And as she took one she thought of different persons she hated really much right now. And every rock she threw, she pictured someone. And tried to project the anger to the rock. If June would picture everyone she hated, Hogwarts had no stones left. But for now this was the best way to deal with what she felt. She learned stuff from her parents how to not let emotions lead. And June could do that very well, she had learned very well what would happen if she did not. So after this she would just continue like nothing happend.
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Eloise didn't pay much attention to the duelling club, nor did she the duelling tournament organised by the club. She had debated going to see one or two of the duels. Her dad enjoyed watching duelling so surely he'd be alright with that. She could even tell him about it in a letter or when she got home. Participating herself was obviously out of the question, she knew that. Events like the duelling tournament came with a certain type of buzz that went around the school though. One that was difficult to ignore. Chatter in the hallways about who had won and moved up a round, but more importantly who had lost and had gotten kicked out of the championship. One of those names was familiar to her and she could only imagine how the other girl would respond to losing. If she was being entirely honest, it piqued her interest. Eloise wasn't certain if she was looking for June to see how the girl was doing or to see how the girl was doing. It didn't matter either. As long as she pretended like her reasoning was the former she was sure June wouldn't mind her hanging around. "Sorry to hear about your duel." She offered politely when she spotted her classmate throwing rocks into the lake. "Word travels fast with a tournament like this." She added with a simple shrug, as if to justify how she had gotten the information that June had lost her duel.
As June had threw a lot of stones already she went down to take one again, when she heard a voice. So in a second she hold her face straight again, like nothing was going on. And as she noticed Eloise she put on a smile, like she could do well. It seemed indeed that word traveled fast, and that was no suprise to June. People were always interested in her, so in a way it was good to hear people spoke of her. But she still hated it was because she lost. Although she fell back in her role quickly, when having someone beside her. It was also interesting that Eloise came to her. That ment something, and June figured perhaps she could get stuff out of this terrible day. June put up her shoulders and put down the rock again. '' Ofcourse it does.'' June said. She didn't want anyone to see that she hated this, and that she did care about this stuff. So it was better to just pretend it wasn't that important, and put the focus on something else. And June was good at hiding her thoughts and feelings. '' Thanks.. But dueling is not even that important. I just got bored, was done with homework and got some free time. '' June than added and put an fake smile on. '' What brings you here?'' June than asked the girl. The blonde was sure that Santiago didn't pictured himself winning. She saw his reaction after he won. It was just luck. Everyone knew June was the best student in their year. Or perhaps even the whole school, June did think so for sure.
Eloise was curious to how June would react. From what she thought she knew about the girl things could go either way. She was sure June wouldn't be pleased with losing. Anger seemed more likely than disappointment, but Eloise didn't think June would show it. They were perhaps a little similar in that way. She often bit her tongue or hid her feelings because she knew it was important to make good impressions on people. June never seemed to bite her tongue but seemed like a professional at hiding emotions to keep a casual appearance. There was the odd chance that she truly didn't care about much, but Eloise found that difficult to believe. She had been around way too many people who were able to fake their whole personality if it made them more appealing to others. Her mom being one of them. "Oh," She said when June said she didn't care much about duelling. "Then I guess it's not that bad." She added with a smile. "I was just out for a stroll." Eloise responded. It wasn't a lie in itself but she did see no need to tell June that her curiousity getting the better of her had been the reason for her stroll. "What about you? Finding someone else to spend your time on now that duelling didn't do much about that?"
As June stopped throwing rocks and watched Eloise, she wondered what would go inside of the mind of the Ravenclaw. It seemed June didn't mind to hang out with girls who didn't showed all they got. Eloise was an mysterious person to June and very closed. Tempest was in a way too, but June knew her more. Eloise was still an questionmark. But that made June still have interest in the girl, and didn't dislike her. She also didn't seemed dumb or childish, and June prefered that. June put on an quick smile and nodded. Watching to the water again and back to Eloise. '' Oh.'' June reacted. Did people actually do that? June didn't even liked being outdoors. But after an study session she had to catch some air. But mostly went to the courtyard instead. '' Do you do that more often?'' She than asked the girl, figuring she would move on to that subject. June was an curious person and she had to not overwhelm people with questions. But since Eloise said so few, she was more curious. It was interesting to June though that the girl in her way showed interest now too. So she had done something well it seemed. Although losing wasn't what June pictured it should be. But ofcourse everyone wanted to see her fail, they were jealous since she was just better in all classes. June was suprised by her next question, what was she getting to? Did she want a reaction? June kept her face straight and put up her shoulders. Figuring she should take on it as an joke, to make it less like she cared.
'' If you mean these stones. Perhaps. They are very quiet, sometimes very usefull.'' June said first seriously and than added an smile to it.

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