Emmaline Hopkins-Vance

Professor Emmaline Hopkins

Potions Professor, Fashionista, Studious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core


Table of Contents:
The Basics, Appearance, and Style: Page 1
Personality, Emotions, Languages, Goals, and Beliefs: Page 2
Family, Home Life, Education, and Year One:
Page 3

Full Name: Emmaline Winter Hopkins-Vance
Pronunciation: [EM] + [UH] + [LEEN]
Nicknames: Em (Not Emma, She hates that!)
Name Meaning:

  • Emmaline: Emmaline means "work" and is from English origins.
  • Winter: Winter means "The Season" and is from American origins. Emmaline's mother's favourite season is Winter, so she chose this as her daughters middle name.
  • Hopkins: Hopkins means "Renowned Frame" and is of English Origins. Hopkins is Emmaline's mother's maiden name.
  • Vance: Vance means "From the Marsh" and is of English Origins. Emmaline took both her mother and father's name even though her father is out of the picture.
Gender: Girl
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual (Unknown IC)
Blood Status: Half Blood
Hometown: Wellington, New Zealand
Character's Birthdate: December 11th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Zodiac Description: "Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life. Sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. Sagittarius-born are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals. Freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies."
Element: Fire
Elemental Description: "As one would expect, those graced by Fire are fiery, indeed. They are enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life. Just like a fire that is left untended, however, Fire signs can burn out of control — so it’s best to tend those embers.A Fire sign is also an indicator of creativity. This element manifests itself in creative and unique ways, and those in its glow are wonderfully courageous and lively spirits. Those influenced by a Fire sign are self-sufficient, spontaneous and possess a tremendous zest for life."
Wand: Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Wand Description: This wand is made out of Fir wood. A wand of Fir chooses a wizard or witch that is not easily done away with. This wand type is also called a "Survivor's Wand." The core of Emmaline's wand is a Hippogriff feather. Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
Full Wand Purchase Link


Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Right
Facial Type: Triangle
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Worn straight down, has slight wave.
Height: Five Foot two inches. She is rather tall for her age and family.
Birthmarks/Scars: None
Other Distinguishing Features: Emmaline is rather tall for her age and her family. She has ice blue eyes which compliment her dark brown hair nicely.
Health: Emmaline is healthy for her age. She does not show any signs of illness.
Energy: Emmaline has a mix of energy depending on the situation. She does love to relax and preform low energy activities such as gazing at the stars, but also when her excitement is up, she can be quite hyperactive.
Memory: Emmaline has an amazing memory and also keeps track of almost everything through her organizational skills.
Senses: She has 20/20 eyesight and no problem to her other senses.
Allergies: None
Medications: None
Phobias: Confined Spaces, Snakes
Gait: Emmaline is a confident individual. She moves strong and fast.
Posture: Good Posture maintained due to her mother's rules that anything less is lazy.
Coordination: Emmaline has good coordination from all the sports and other activities her mother has made her do as a child to make her "resume" look perfect.
Habits and Mannerisms: Emmaline has the habit of constantly fixing her appearance. She will push her hair back into place and often adjust her uniform. She has to make sure she looks perfect. She often remembers her mother quote "If you are not perfect, how can everything be perfect."
Played By: Kayla Scodelario


Overall Style: Emmaline has to maintain her mother's fashion standards. She has to always look "perfect." Fashion has become one of Emmaline's passions. She has developed her own sense of style which may be more 'edgy' than her mother wanted, but as long as she still looks put together, Emmaline can wear what she wants.
Grooming: Neat
Wardrobe: Clean yet edgy. She likes to dress fashionably and takes great care of her clothing choices.
Tattoos: None as of yet
Trinkets: Emmaline likes to wear the silver earrings her sister gave her last year for her birthday. They are simple silver studs with an opal gem in the middle.

*All Quotes are from The Uglies Series and The Imposters Series written my Scott Westerfeld. @Copyright Westerfeld 2020
*Name meanings taken from Babynames.com @Copyright Moss Industries LLC 2020
*All Zodiac and Element information @Copyright astrology-zodiac-signs.com 2019
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Overall Personality:
Emmaline grew up taking care of her younger sister in a “perfect” world her mother created. She has constantly had to keep up appearances, be cheerful, and make sure her sister does the same. Her family life is a lot of pressure. Emmaline often thinks about how she looks to others and cares very much about opinions. Her mother has instilled that habit into her .Emmaline is very into fashion and appearing as she “should.” She attempts to push this out of her mind and be less judgmental, but it is often difficult for her to do this. In a way fashion is an art form for Emmaline and a way to express herself. Emmaline's mother allowed to her dress however she wanted as long as it was up to her standards of style. This gave Emmaline a creative outlet as long as she looked “put together” enough for her mother. However, Emmaline often blames her mother for all the pressure she puts on her. In this way, Emmaline likes to rebel in little ways. She sneaks out at night to watch the stars from the roof to her house or she gives her sister an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert. It's the little things. Overall Emmaline is a kind soul who needs to work through what life has dealt her.
Hobbies/Interests: Star Gazing, Fashion, Flying
Skills/Talents: Fashion, Book Smarts
Likes: Fashion, Watching the Stars
Dislikes: "Being Perfect", Not Speaking Up
Sense of Humor: Emmaline enjoys to laugh. She does not have a mean sense of humor so she does not enjoy pranks at all. She however does love to laugh with friends.
Superstitions/Beliefs: Emmaline is a strong believer in astology and elmental beliefs.
Quirks: Emmaline is constantly adjusting her appearance.
Closet Hobby: Sowing. Emmaline loves to create her own fashion, but she is just learning to sow.
Guilty Pleasure: Fashion
Strengths: Loving, Protective Sister, Resourceful, Leadership Skills
Flaws: Rebellious, Too Honest At Times, Gets Easily Frustrated.
Lures: Freedom, Happiness, Becoming her Own
Soft Spot: Family
Cruel Streak: When people give Emmaline too much to do and put her under too much pressure.


MBTI Personality Type: Protagonist
MBTI Personality Type Description: "Protagonists are natural born leaders, full of passion and charisma.Protagonists radiate authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. Protagonists have a tremendous capacity for reflecting on and analyzing their own feelings, but if they get too caught up in another person's problems they often develop some sort of emotional hypochondria,seeing other people's problems in themselves."
Temperament: Sanguine
Temperament Description: People with a sanguine personality type tend to be lively, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree. They love adventure and have high risk tolerance.
Enneagram: Loyalist
EGO/Supergo/I Superego Driven
The Shadow: Emmaline worries that one day she will collapse from all the pressure to be perfect or worst her sister will not be raised right because of something Emmaline missed.
Persona/Mask: Emmaline tries to appear always perfect, but she knows she has faults just like everyone else. She tries not to let these faults show.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Defining Moment: When Emmaline's father left her when she was just a baby. This moment created a lot of distrust but also a lot of determination to be better.
Tropes: Emmaline is an adventurous Gryffindor who loves adventure much like others in her house.
One Word: Resourceful


Favourite Colors: Green and Blue
Favourite Animals: Cats and Birds
Favourite Magical Creatures: Niffler
Favourite Place: The Roof Outside her bedroom where she can relax and watch the stars at night.
Favourite Flavors: Sweet
Favourite Foods: Vegetarian Ziti, Popcorn
Favourite Drinks: Peppermint Tea, Iced Tea
Favourite Music: Pop Music from the early 2020s
Favorite Sports: Quidditch
Favourite Subjects: Astronomy, DADA
Favourite Numbers: 30, 9
Favourite Words: Wicked, Nifty, Wonderful, Friends
Favourite Quotations: "With everything so perfect, reality seemed somewhat fragile."


First Impressions: Emmaline puts a lot of effort into making first impressions. She tries to act and look perfect when meeting someone especially the first time.
Stranger Impressions: Emmaline is very good at making impressions. She always seems kind and welcoming.
Friendly Impressions:
Familiar Impressions: Emmaline's mother always encourages Emmaline to do more, make her plate fuller. She believes Emmaline is capable of so much and needs to work harder to reach these goals.
Compliments: Emmaline is a true friends and a wonderful sister. She handles the vast amount of pressure people put on her and still have a smile on her face.
Insults: Emmaline may be too nice for some and too honest to others.


Mood: Overall Happy, Organized
Attitude: Friendly, Welcoming, and Kind
Expressiveness: Open and Honest, sometimes too much so
When Happy: Emmaline likes to laugh and smile. She also likes to hug when she is very happy.
When Depressed: Emmaline likes to be by herself and zone out the world. She will usually go view the stars.
When Angry: Emmaline cries when she is angry.


Languages: English-Fluent
Accent: New Zealand Accent
Voice: Voice is soft yet confident
Greetings and Farewells: Hey All! Hey Friends! See ya later!
Laughter: Loud Vocal Laugh
Tag Line: "You've Got This"
Signature Quote: "If you are not perfect, how can everything else be perfect?"


Main Goal: Succeed at Hogwarts in every aspect to make her family proud.
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Gain freedom to just be a kid
Career: Student at Hogwarts
Desires: Freedom, Happiness, Solid Friendships, Her Mother to be home more often.
Wishlist: Emmaline has always wanted a tree house.
Accomplishments: Made Prefect for Gryffindor House, Got all O's in her OWLs, Accepting that she has to give herself room to do things she enjoys even if they don't fit her mother's expectations.
Greatest Achievement: Perfect Grades (so far)
Biggest Failure: None as of yet.
Regrets: None as of yet
Worries: That she will fail and have to return home. That she won't ever be perfect enough for her mother.
Best Dream: Traveling the World
Worst Nightmare: Forever having to take care of her family and never having time to enjoy her own life.
Best Memories: Emmaline enjoys the little memories, such as laying outside in fields with her friends watching the stars or going to amusement parks with just her friends.
Worst Memories: Although she was too young to remember, Emmaline has a created memory of her father leaving with details her mother has given her. This by far is her worst memory to date.


Religion: Agnostic
Motivation: Freedom, Happiness, Success
Political Party: Too Young To Care
Etiquette: Emmaline has great manners. Her mother put her in a refinishing school to help her become more "of a lady."
Traditions: Emmaline reads a chapter with River every night before they go to bed.
*All Quotes are from The Uglies Series and The Imposters Series written my Scott Westerfeld. @Copyright Westerfeld 2020
*Personality Test @ NERIS Analytics Limited 2020
*Temperament Taken from psychologia.co @2020
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Name: Esme River Hopkins-Vance

Maden Name: Esme River Hopkins

Blood Status: Half Blood

Profession: Nurse

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Esme fell in love during her years at Hogwarts with Seth. After graduation she married and had Emmaline. Esme loved her daughter and could not wait to start a family with the man she believed she loved. However, a year later, when Esme fell pregnant again, Seth was furious. He did not want one child, but two was more than he could handle. Heartbroken, Esme wanted to leave and start a new life with someone who loved her children as much as she did. Financially she was unable to do this so she stayed in an unhappy marriage. When River was born, Seth left the family in the middle of the night without a word since. Although this was devastating, Esme picked up all the “slack.” She raised both her girls to the ages of 11 and 10 by working hard and often.

Esme is a hard working single mother who works multiple hours of overtime a week as a nurse in order to provide for her family. She is not strict, per say, but does ask a lot of her children, especially Emmaline. Esme loves her children more than anything, but does not get to spend as much time with them as she would like. When she is home, she wants to make sure everything is perfect for them so mostly focuses on their needs, clothing, and schooling. She puts a lot of effort into her appearance and expects her children to do the same. “If you don't look perfect, how can everything be perfect.” is one of her constant catchphrases. Esme means well, but does not realize Emmaline would be happier if things were less “perfect” and more real.
Played By: Jennifer Garner



Name: Seth Roman Vance
Blood Status: Half Blood
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Profession: Accountant
History: Emmaline's father left her and her mother when Emmaline sister's was born. Seth never wanted children and the thought of having two was something he could not handle. One night he just picked up and left when Emmaline was only a year old.
Unknown. Emmaline's mother does not speak of him often and neither Emmaline or her sister remember much about him other than his name.



Name: River Autumn Vance
Blood Status: Half Blood
River is a kind soul. She is outgoing and persuasive. River enjoys finding loopholes for rules, but will not actually break them. She does not like to disappoint her sister or mother. River enjoys writing. One day she would love to be a journalist or author. River is smart and clever.
Played By: Kathryn Prescott



Nova: A Small Kitten named Nova. Nova is an ocicat breed of cat with distinct spots. Emmaline's mother gave her Nova for a going away present to bring to school. River helped name her, Nova which plays into Emmaline's love for Astronomy. Nova is not even a year old and has all the energy in the world. She loves to play until she is exhausted and then cuddle. At first Emmaline did not want another "mouth to feed" but it did not take long for her to fall in love with Nova's personality.




Emmaline lives in a three bedroom house with her mother and sister. Their house is small, but cozy. Outside of her bedroom at the back of the house is a small roof landing. Emmaline's favourite spot to watch the stars in on top of that spot. Both River and Emmaline's bedrooms are on the second floor. Her mother has the only bedroom on the first floor.
Floor Plan:



Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Abridged Sorting Ceremony:
Gazing upwards, she listened to a professor give the introductions and "game plan." It seemed easy enough to Emmaline. Wait for your name, put on a hat, and get a new house. Easy She thought continuing to find her happy place in the stars while she waited for her name to be called. It wasn't long before she heard it, loud and clear.

"Hopkins-Vance, Emmaline."

Emmaline hated that her name was different with the hyphenation. Adjusting her outfit to perfect condition and running her fingers through her hair to make sure every strand was in the correct order, she walked towards the Sorting Hat. The hat was placed on her head. Emmaline's smile faltered for a second. Instantly the voice of her mother played in her head as she sat there on the stool, If you don't look perfect, how can everything be perfect Her mother's voice invaded her thoughts. Instantly Emmaline put a smile on her face, adjusting her outfit one more time. Step one hear name. Step two try on hat. Step three get a new house. Easy She thought as she waited for the hat's decision.

"Well, step three is the easiest of the steps...Gryffindor,"

Full Link

Reaction: Emmaline had never really considered herself to be brave. She did enjoy being adventurous from time to time, but those were little adventures. Nothing that elicits courage. Emmaline hopes Gryffindor will be the right fit, but she is unsure about the Sorting's Hat decision to call her brave.

Likes and Dislikes School Edition:
Favourite Class: Astronomy
Reasoning: Emmaline's happy place is watching the stars. This habit occurred at her home when she would put her sister River to bed. Emmaline would climb onto her rooftop and gaze at the stars to calm her mind. Due to this connection to the stars, Emmaline loves everything about Astronomy.
Favourite Activity: Astronomy Tower Adventures
Reasoning: Emmaline has created a home for herself atop the Astronomy Tower. This is her favourite place to go to and even sneak out late at nights. These adventures hold a special place in her heart.
Least Favourite Class: Transfiguration
Reasoning: Honestly, Emmaline does not see the point. She would rather conjure something than transform it.
Least Favourite Activity: Gryffindor Common Room Hang Outs
Reasoning: Emmaline finds the Gryffindor Common Room boring and does not understand why people "hang out" there. The rest of the castle is much more exciting.
Most Successful Class: Astronomy or Defense Against The Dark Arts
Reasoning: Emmaline will always hold a special place in her heart for Astronomy and will do well in this subject, however, she has been growing interesting in defensive magic. This interest will lead Emmaline to work exceptionally hard in DADA classes.
Least Successful Class: Transfiguration
Reasoning: Emmaline is not putting the effort she needs to, however she is working on it.

Year One:
Class Semester OneGradeClass Semester TwoGrade
CharmsOHistory of MagicO

Year One Memorable Posts:

Something That's FInally Just MineEmmaline buys her wand, excited to be gaining some freedom when she finally leaves for school. Even though the price is an issue, Emmaline assures herself it is worth every penny.
Some Much Needed Down TimeEmmaline learns to relax and socialize as she meets one of her new best friends at the lake. This was a turning point for Emmaline as she began to think that not everything had to be about school and realizes how important friendship is
Peace, Quiet and Mind MoldingEmmaline, attempting to study for finals, meets a Ravenclaw she is not too fond of. A competition arises that Emmaline is determined to win in the long run.
ChoicesEmmaline finds herself in a fashion disaster which leads her closer to a friendship with Blake. A make over Emmaline never expected to happen.
Pajama PartyEmmaline lets loose as she enjoys some study free time with her friends and dorm mates. She also plays her first every game of Truth or Dare!
Year Two:
Class Semester OneGradeClass Semester TwoGrade
History of MagicOAstronomyO
Year Two Memorable Posts:

What Happens in Hogwarts Doesn't Stay ThereOn break after her first year at Hogwarts, Emmaline and her sister run into Emmaline's friend Hunter.
The Social Event of The SeasonEmmaline and her Friends decorate the Gryffindor dorm. Although this fun event turns nasty with some harsh words and drama.
Hogwarts Monthly MeetingEmmaline learned her younger sister joined the Hogwarts Monthly alongside her.
Overwhelmed and ObliviousEmmaline once again loses herself in the pressures of school and exams.
All My Favorite PeopleEmmaline spends some much needed time with her friends.

Year Three
Class Semester OneGradesClass Semester TwoGrades
Care of Magical CreaturesOAstronomyO
Ancient RunesODivinationO
PotionsOHistory of MagicO
Muggle StudiesOHerbologyO

Year Three Memorial Posts:
The Stands QuidditchEmmaline attends her first ever quidditch game to support her friend Skylar!
Gryffindor House MeetingEmmaline takes time away from her studying and class work to attend a house meeting, and enjoy some friendly chatter.
Programmed to AgreeEmmaline visits her Charms Professor's Office to discuss her future in Charms.

Year Four:
Semester OneGradesSemester TwoGrades
AstronomyOCare of Magical CreaturesO
History of MagicOAncient RunesO
HerbologyOMuggle StudiesO

Year Four Memorable Posts:

What the Future HoldsEmmaline is started to really like Divination, especially the Tarot Card readings. She spends her time, not in the library, but practicing reading the cards she enjoys so much.
End of the Year FeastEmmaline learns that once again she was not able to get the most house points for Gryffindor. She does however learn that her sister River received the most housepoints of any student.

Year Five(OWLS):

AstronomyOCare of Magical CreaturesO
History of MagicOAncient RunesO
HerbologyOMuggle StudiesO

Year Six:

AstronomyOCare of Magical CreaturesO
History of MagicOAncient RunesO
HerbologyOMuggle StudiesO

Year Seven(NEWTS):

Semester OneGradesSemester TwoGrades
Muggle StudiesOArithmancyO
Ancient RunesODivinationO
Care of Magical CreaturesOHistory of MagicO

Year Seven Memorable Posts:
Y42 Prefects MeetingEmmaline starts her seventh year learning that she is Head Girl. She begins with co-leading a Prefects meeting, making her first speech as the Head Girl.
Prefects MeetingEmmaline takes her role as Headgirl very seriously. She holds a prefects meeting with the headboy in order to pair up all the prefects.
House MeetingEmmaline attends the Gryffindor House meeting, getting an introduction but also focusing on working ahead on some of her reading for the semester. She can never be too prepared, even if others comment on her choices.
Leave My Shadows BehindEmmaline and her friend Harper patrol the corridors. Emmaline hasn't had much time to be social with her headgirl duties and all the NEWTs coming up, but this gives her an excuse to both perform her duties and have a chat with a friend.
GraduationEmmaline gives her speech as Headgirl in front of everyone at Graduation, well except her mother of course who was too busy to attend. The final moments of Emmaline at Hogwarts before she moves into the 'real world,' one she isn't sure she is ready for.
*All Quotes are from The Uglies Series and The Imposters Series written by Scott Westerfeld. @Copyright Westerfeld 2020
*All house related images are from Excellent Floor Plans @Copyright 2020
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