Closed Dusk Workout

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Professor Killian Borisyuk picked a time when it would be a good evening to head out to work out. He went out to the forest, right on the edge. He took off his robes, folding them to the side to reveal that he had planned for this, due to what he was wearing. Killian managed to find a tree that was already down so he broke the top off to use it as a bar. He had a gym at his home that could accommodate his body, but here at the school, he had to go old-school with whatever he could get his hands on. Good thing he was not exactly fussed about laying down on the ground and using the dead tree to keep up with his body shape. Maybe he should have found that room of requirement since it might have had what he needed without having to change his body or come out to the edge of the forest. At least there were no students around because he didn't want to be interrupted, nor did he want to risk their safety since it wasn't like what he was doing was 'safe' for students.

His green eyes glanced to the side to see the castle, and wondered if his girlfriend was watching him from up there. She might have been busy, but he needed to take care of his workouts from time to time. He needed to stay in shape, especially if he had to go to Russia and deal with his brothers. He had to remain the strongest between them all. Of course, during his thinking, he did not notice someone approaching him. While he was working out, or anything really, Killian had a one track mind and nothing else existed.
Mulberry clouds shadowed by the sun setting barely below the horizon pieced together a landscape that wasn't quite darkness as Ignacio completed his last cycle of the castle grounds. He squinted in the low light, indecisive over whether he should cast Lumos to aid him in his routine or whether it was still light enough to see on his own if any students lingered about from the day. Initially he decided on the latter, knowing even if the time was well and truly dusk he could still see well enough with his bare eyes not to need assistance from a spell, that his surroundings weren't yet causing him to question the reality of what he was seeing. He was both too old and too unimaginative to begin seeing the trees as monsters in the darkness nor admit his sight over time was becoming less dependable than it used to be.

Ignacio continued on his way with adamance he could still see up until the point his last round was nearly complete and the forbidden forest was in his line of sight. It was only then with the tree line in his vision that he was met with the image of what could only be one of the newer professors lifting a tree. It was an unexpected image that caused him to blink twice and try to force his eyes into focusing, attempting to see something else, or what was actually happening. A few moments later Ignacio finally admitted defeat and cast Lumos, only to have the sight he initially thought was a result of his eyes playing a trick on him instead confirmed to be real as he stepped closer to see that the man, Killian, if Ignacio remembered the name correctly, was indeed lifting a fallen tree. A mix of both surprised and impressed was how Ignacio felt as he approached the taller man, keeping mindful of his distance in case Killian needed some space. "I have to say, that's impressive." Ignacio commented. "Is this your normal lifting weight?" He asked, entirely curious as he watched the tree intently. He couldn't begin to imagine how much it weighed and how strong Killian must have been to lift it.​
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Killian was counting the reps in his head, and did several until he was starting to feel it. Anything to remain in shape. He was on the last rep when he saw a bright light from a wand. His green eyes looked over to see who was coming up on him. He prayed it wasn't a student. Otherwise he would be caught in clothing not exactly suitable, and he might crush them with the tree. But to his relief, it was the groundskeeper. Or caretaker. Whatever the hell the position was. Killian was not sure what they were called here but his name was Ignacio. That much he remembered. Killian swung the tree and tossed it to the side as he sat up onto the ground, which still meant that he would be looking straight at the man. Killian glanced over at the dead tree and shook his head, "No. I just had to do a lot more reps until I could actually feel something."

It was a pain that he was part-giant because of the strength that came with them. He didn't have his weights, but even he could not tell the guy how much weight he lifted. Just much more than humanly possible. So much more than humanly possible. Killian got out his wand and lit up a lantern that he brought with him because he knew he would be out after dark. It would light up the area somewhat. "What brings you down here, Ignacio?" Killian inquired, knowing that the man would not be here to lift the same thing that he did. Plus, Killian was bored and with his girlfriend busy, he didn't have anything to do. So, why not work out some?

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