Open Dreams of Mischief

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Open after Marijke posts with Kiara

Isadora was glad to be at Brightstone Village today, happy that her mother had told her to go with their nanny on errands. She enjoyed being out more than hanging around the house by herself, and she was hoping to make some friends or at least do something fun. So she had sneaked away from her nanny and had started exploring the shops. The one shop Isadora really wanted to visit was Gambol & Jape's, though she had no money on her so she knew she couldn't buy anything today. Instead, the girl stood in front of the shop window, looking at the displays. She pressed her nose to the glass as she inspected the trick wands. She really wanted one of those, it would be hilarious to trick her parents with it. And her sister, once she returned for Christmas break. Isadora patted her pockets, wondering if she had some spare galleons on her without knowing it.
Being the youngest sibling, and the only girl next to her brothers, meant Kiara wasn't left alone too often. Her dads would say she's still too young to wander around alone and she would never disagree. They were her dads after all, so they probably knew best. Today, however, for reasons beyond her own comprehension, her pa had allowed her brother to look after her whilst they were in brightstone. Elijah hadn't wanted to come so their pa stayed home with him. Isaiah seemed like he was up to something though, so when her dad went to get whatever his shopping list said he had dragged her along towards the joke shop. Yeah, definitely up to something. Reluctant to head in with him, Kiara had stayed outside after promising her brother that she wouldn't go anywhere. An unnecessary promise, because she was sure both of them knew she wouldn't even dare to wander off on her own. So, she waited outside, alternating between looking into the window to see whether her brother was coming out yet and looking at her own feet because she didn't know where else to look. When she noticed two other feet entering her field of view she looked up though, curiously watching the other girl for a second as she pressed her nose to the glass. The idea of saying something, anything, made Kiara nervous but so did the possibility of Isaiah looking outside and seeing her stand next to another kid without saying a word. He was definitely the most outgoing out of the three of them and she aspired to be more like him. If only she had the guts to. So, in an attempt to make him proud she quietly cleared her throat, turning to the other girl. "Are you, uh, are you going inside?" She asked softly, almost as if she didn't actually want the girl to hear her.
Isadora was disappointed not to find any spare change in her pockets, though she wasn't very surprised. Her parents had stopped giving her pocket money a while ago after she replaced the soap in the bathroom with frog-spawn soap, and she hadn't had much money to spend since. She wondered if she could possibly talk her nanny into buying her something, but knew the odds were small. No one in her household appreciated her practical jokes, which made Isadora all the more impatient to get to Hogwarts. Surely that huge castle had to have someone with a sense of humor in it. Isadora looked up when she heard a voice. She smiled at the girl and shrugged. "No, I don't have any money." She said. "Are you?"
Kiara was feeling a little nervous talking to the girl, even more so when she looked through the window again and saw her brother had noticed her doing so. She shot him a look when he gave her an encouraging thumbs up, trying to get him to go on with his business rather than watching her try to socialize. "Oh," Kiara nodded understandingly when the girl explained why she wasn't going inside. Not having any money was probably the best reason not to go inside so she had to admire the fact that the girl was wise enough not to do so. "No, uh- my brother's in there." She responded. "He's probably up to something and knowing him he'll get into trouble for it at school so I guess the less I know, the better..?" She blurted out, almost immediately mentally slapping herself. Telling someone who was longingly looking into a prank store window she wasn't keen on getting into trouble might not make her sound very cool.
Isadora’s interest was piqued when the girl spoke about her brother, as he was in the store and buying things he shouldn’t be buying. She perked up when she said he would get in trouble at school. “Oh! Does he go to Hogwarts?” Isadora asked curiously. “My sister does, but she’s very boring. She would never pull a prank or get in trouble.” She said, wrinkling her nose slightly in distaste. “I’m Isadora, what’s your name?” She added, hoping to make a friend here.
Kiara wasn't too surprised by the girl's enthusiasm when she mentioned her older brother. Most young kids wandering around brightstone were bound to head for hogwarts sooner or later, so having older siblings or family members who already attended was often seen as interesting. "He does." She nodded in response, letting out a soft chuckle when the girl mentioned her own sister. "My brother might just be her polar opposite then. He's a third year, got sorted into gryffindor." Kiara elaborated, wondering if Zay might know this girl's sister or was even friends with her. Although from her description of her sister she didn't specifically sound like someone her brother would be friends with. "I'm Kiara." She introduced herself in return, mentally keeping a tally of how many kids she met before getting to the school herself.
Isadora perked up a bit when Kiara mentioned her brother being a third year. “No way, my sister is a third year too.” She said excitedly. “But she’s a Slytherin. I doubt they’re friends, as Natalia hates fun.” She rolled her eyes. She hadn’t heard much from her sister about her friends, but she was sure someone as fun as this girl’s brother wouldn’t be among them. She beamed. “Nice to meet you Kiara. Are you going to Hogwarts next year too?” Isadora asked her curiously. “I am, maybe we’ll be in the same house.” She said, already imagining it. It would be nice to have a friend there, especially a friend with a cool brother with prank items. Isadora knew she'd see a few kids from scouts at school too, maybe she could all introduce them and have a big friend group.
Kiara grew a little curious when the girl said her sister was a third year as well, almost ready to haul into the shop and ask her brother if he knew her before quickly letting go of that idea at what Isadora said next. "They might not be a good match then, no." She agreed with a soft giggle. She knew her brother was keen on being populair and making friends but it was more than likely he wouldn't enjoy hanging out with someone who wasn't any fun. Especially since he'd often declare that fun should've been his middle name. She nodded when Isadora asked if she was going to hogwarts next year as well, trying to hide a smile when she mentioned the possibility of them ending up in the same house. "That would be nice." She agreed, although she doubted whether that would actually happen. Especially since Isadora seemed to be a lot more out there than she was herself. "And if not we could maybe still, like, hang out..?" Kiara offered quietly, proud she actually managed to get the question out. Even if there were probably more words in there than she would've needed. Nevertheless, she had put the offer out which was already quite a big deal for her.
Isadora grinned, amused by the girl's words. "What's your brother's name? I'll ask my sister if she knows him." She asked. Though she very much doubted the boy would be one of her friends or even acquaintances. But still, Natalia likely knew the names of her classmates. It would be weird if she didn't. Isadora was pretty excited to hear that Kiara would be going to Hogwarts next year too and nodded when she said it would be nice if they ended up in the same house. But then the girl mentioned the possibility of still hanging out even if they weren't, and Isadora quickly nodded. "Of course! We'd still see each other in classes, and I bet you can hang out with whoever you want outside of class and during meals." She said confidently. Natalia had never said much about that, but Isadora was sure it was no problem. "Do you know what house you want to be in yet?" She asked the other girl.
From what Isadora had mentioned about her sister Kiara was sure she and her brother didn't get along. Likely, not even in the slightest. Nevertheless, she was now determined to investigate once her brother would get out of the shop. If he ever did get out. Seeing his excitement as he went in he could probably live in there if he wanted to. "His name's Isaiah. But most people call him Zay." Kiara answered the girl's question before looking through the window to pinpoint where he was. "That's him there." She added as she pointed at him through the window before turning back to face Isadora again. "That's true." Kiara nodded when the girl mentioned being able to hang out with people outside of class, trying to contain her excitement about the prospect of possibly becoming friends with the girl. Isadora seemed way more out there than she herself was but she figured that might just be a good thing. "I'm not too sure, I don't really have a preference I think." She answered with a small shrug. "What about you?"
Isadora nodded as Kiara said her brother's name. It definitely wasn't someone Natalia had mentioned before, but then again, her sister had barely mentioned anyone from school. "Cool, my sister's name is Natalia. And no one gives her a nickname because she hates it." She said with a roll of her eyes. She followed Kiara's gaze into the store, nodding as she saw an older boy. "I see." She said, turning her attention to the girl again. Kiara didn't seem to have a preference for a house, and Isadora simply shrugged when she turned the question back on her. "I don't really care either." She admitted. "I just know I don't want to be in Slytherin." She added more firmly. Being in the same house as her sister would be horrible, and she knew her parents were expecting her to go into that house, which was all the more reason to avoid it like the plague. One more disappointment to add to their list.
Kiara giggled when Isadora mentioned her sister didn't have a nickname because she hated those, now sure that she definitely couldn't be friends with her brother since he loved giving anyone and everyone a fitting nickname. She nodded when the other girl didn't have a specific house in mind either but was certain of where she didn't want to end up. "Because you don't want to be with your sister?" She asked, although the answer seemed pretty obvious. Personally, Kiara would love being in the same house as either of her brothers but she often wondered whether that would happen. She didn't think there was a big possibility that she'd end up in gryffindor with Isaiah, but when it came to Elijah she wasn't sure. It would be nice though. "I think it'll be fun though, no matter where I end up. Plus, it's nice to already know some people." She said with a small smile, wondering if Isadora would actually hang out with her once they were at school. Right now, she just stuck to the hope that she would. She seemed cool anyways, way cooler than she was.
Isadora supposed it was a bit obvious that she didn't want to be in the same house as her sister, but it was still a bit jarring to hear it said so plainly by a stranger. She paused for a beat, then nodded. "Yeah, that's it." She said with a careless shrug. "I've been in the same house as her all our lives, it's nice to have some distance." She said, trying her best to sound casual. Her relationship with her family was far from normal, but that wasn't something she liked to telegraph to strangers. She nodded excitedly when the girl said it would be fun no matter where they ended up. "True! We should sit together in class." Isadora said with a grin. "I'm sure we share at least one class next year."

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