Bi-Weekly Update!

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Folks, it is a little late, but it is here!

Reading Week
Folks, we are in the reading week! This is the week between the last week of lessons and exams. At this point, professors should have posted all of their classes. If you have not, then the staff will be in touch soon enough. For those with students, this is the blitz week to try and catch up (if you want to) before it is too late. Ravenclaw need 1000 house points to be able to defeat Slytherin which is totally doable…right?!

International Quidditch Game
The annual IC cross school quidditch game has just taken place, and it was a bit of a short one. Even after the victory in the quidditch cup, Hufflepuff were not quick enough to beat their Beauxbatons counterparts. A massive congratulations to the Beauxbatons team on their victory. This marks the end of the Y43 quidditch season, and with it, I'd like to give a massive thank you to all the captain and players for an engaging season of games. As well as a massive thanks to Cyndi for all the background work that it takes to bring this all together.

Graduation is right around the corner (literally the end of this week). For those graduating, can you be sure to let your Head of House know who your guests are, and for Head of House to remember to let us know (the staff/Cyndi).

HNZ Birthday
As you might've noticed, HNZ is celebrating its 18th Birthday. It can now legally drink in a good number of countries. To be able to join in on the festivities, head on over here:

Some highlights to jump in on:
  • HNZ Hunger Games – a new yearly tradition, where you can sign up a character and take part in the hunger Games. This is always amazing fun.
  • A Year in Review - Reflect on your past year on HNZ. The stand-out moments, everything that was great about the last year on the site.
  • Community Signature – Sign your name on the annual community signature!

As we head towards the end of the IC year, and with the birthday in full swing, we will be closing the applications on Monday 8th. Get any last minute applications in before it is too late!

  • None
  • :(
  • :cry:

  • Graduation!
  • Exams!
  • Sorting!! :frantics:
  • More birthday events!

And that's it. Till next time!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update! Can't wait for Hunger Games (So come on peeps sign up for it!! :hug: )
Thank you for the update Emzies!! Super excited for the birthday games :party: :party:
And can't believe how close sorting is again already!
Thanks for posting, Emzies! I can't wait to see birthday stuff get underway!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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