Old School Week Afternoons In The Park

Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (12)
With four kids at home it wasn't strange that Summer's parents wanted to get out every now and then, especially when they were all home for the break. She was happy they had brought them to the park, promising her parents she'd behave before running of to the playground and climbing onto one of the swings.
Elise was becoming well acquainted the playground in Takarokaro park. To be fair her Uncle Arlo wasn't very well equipped to handle kids since he didn't have any of his own yet but that did mean he had the most free time to look after her while her dad worked. Thankfully she liked the park. She ran her hand along the equiment as a way of greeting it and was surprised to see someone already on the swings. "Hello there, mind if I join you?" she asked, unsure if maybe they wanted the space.
Summer was about to push herself back and see how high she could get on the swings when another girl arrived at the swingset, a little surprised when she asked if she could join. After all, the swings were for everybody. "Sure!" She nodded as she pushed off. "Do you think you could give me a little push first? I'm trying to go that high." She said, pointing into a general direction into the sky above her. Surely, a little push could help.
Elise grinned when the other girl said she could join her. It was a relief that she didn't have to go and find somewhere else to play. "I can try." she said with a shrug when the girl asked for a push and said she wanted to go high. She was only nine and it wasn't like she was that strong. But she did as she was asked and set her hands firmly on the other girls back and pushed as hard as she could without pushing her off the swing entirely.

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