Closed A much needed day out

Penny Wills

Eeylop's Assistant | Pretty Broke
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Penny stumbled out of the fireplace in Obsidian Harbour less than gracefully, she doubted whether anyone could floo gracefully, except maybe for her grandmother who did everything with a certain degree of grace and poise.

Normally, her grandmother would have emerged second but she wasn't feeling well, leaving Penny to shop alone today. Penny had concerns about her gran that she pushed aside to focus on the day ahead. But first, she looked around for the nearest mirror to fix her hair and remove any unwanted dirt from her face after emerging from the fireplace.

@Ruben Right
Ruben was wandering through Obsidian Harbour with the intentions to do some shopping for the year ahead. Veronica hadn't come with him since she had decided to await Valentin as he was bringing some friends home and their parents weren't there so she wanted to make sure they didn't trash the house.
The boy was lost in his own thoughts when he saw a familiar blonde girl coming out of the floo fireplace in a way that almost seemed painful from how clumsy it was, that only made him laugh to himself. He approached the blonde girl and said chuckling a bit "Well that was one hell of an entrance. I'd never hear the end of it if my parents saw me coming out of a fireplace like that", his parents liked to keep their appearances and that wasn't exactly the most graceful way to arrive somewhere that's why the Rights usually prefer to apparate, it is more dangerous but at least you look badass when you do it but nor Ruben or his siblings had learned to do that yet. "Here for some shopping before school too?" he asked Penny already predicting her answer would be a yes, otherwise he would be completely in the dark on why she was there.
Penny found a small mirror, she used it to remove a streak of soot that had smudged across her cheek. She heard a familiar voice behind her and eyed the boy in the mirror. She smiled at his reflection then turned around to face Ruben. He, like Penny, was due to start his fourth year, "Hey Ruben! You saw that huh!" Penny smiled at him, "What I lack in poise, I make up in other ways." She told him, Penny had always been clumsy, tripping and walking into objects was a near daily occurrence. "Yeah that's it, have you been here long?"

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