Closed A Miscommunication And A Broken Heart

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Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
Gregory was letting himself be quite excited about going to the dance with Snow. He had been a bit nervous to ask her to it, worried about making her upset if he'd forgotten to. But this time he had asked in plenty of time, and was looking forward to it. His concerns gone mostly, especially as they'd spending more time together recently and she had mentioned quite a lot about them being friends. Gregory had been a bit suspicious, but had figured that maybe she liked him as more, he was thinking about asking her out at the dance, getting some time with her and then trying to extend it. His concerns over what Cassius had said gone if he just focused on what she seemed to be saying. Gregory liked her, he really liked her. she was pretty and interesting and was kind to him, which was not true of others, so he was letting himself, just believe he was...liked back. The boy was waiting, trying to stay out of the way as he waited for Snow.
Snow had been doing her darnedest to let Gregory down easy. Cass had told her to be blunt but if she were honest she didn’t think the boy could handle it. She hinted for a while at them being friends and avoided anything that might give him the wrong idea or make things awkward. But the dance was here now and she needed to be crystal clear. If they just hung out and maybe didn’t bother to dance together he would understand. She dressed in a green, short dress with tie up sleeves and floral decals. Her heels were short to make her more comfortable. When she saw Gregory she approached. “Hey, hope you weren’t waiting too long.” She said with a smile, flicking back some curls.
Gregory blushed lightly as Snow appeared. She was pretty. very pretty. And she was joining him at the dance. Maybe he could really make this work. He shook his head lightly. "No, I wasn't," he said, and after a moment of fidgeting he offered out his hand for her to take and gave a nervous smile. "What do you want to do?" he asked, given that at this events, he tended to hide in the corner or stay by the snacks. "We could get some food?"
Snow caught a glimpse of the blush on his cheeks and wondered if it was her that brought it on or if he was embarrassed being at the dance in general. After all, he always seemed so keen to avoid people. “We can get snacks.” She agreed with a smile, clasping her own hands together in front of her. “Some of the dresses out there must be so expensive…” she mused looking at some of the girls in big elaborate gowns. “Guys have it easy just needing a dress shirt and slacks.
Gregory watched her as she clasped her hands together, not taking his, and his hand remained a little out for a moment before he drew it back. He gave a little nod. "Yeah," he said beginning to move towards the snacks. He glanced at the different outfits people were wearing and gave a shrug. "Yeah, I guess so," he hadn't put too much effort into this outfit and was sure she had put in much more. "You look really pretty though," he replied almost nervously, trying to ease in the compliment.
Snow walked with him to the area where the snack table lie. For a brief moment she thought about what her mom would do if she dropped something on this dress, and decided if she did get any snacks she was going to stick to anything that wouldn't be messy. She was taken from her thoughts when Gregory paid her a compliment. She couldn't help the way her cheeks pinkened up, flattery was a sure fire way to embarrass the prideful yet humble girl. "Thank you... my mom took this dress from a muggle neighborhood up the street. Feels weird wearing it a bit." She said laughing. Her mom's theft antics had been a long standing joke, but the more she talked about it the less it seemed like antics. "You look nice as well." It was only fair that she tell him that. He wasn't ugly, and friends couldn't compliment each other. She was constantly complimenting Morrigan.
Gregory nodded at her, not quite sure what to say about her dress. "Why?" he asked, not sure if she found wearing something nice weird, or if she just didn't like the fact it was muggle, completely missing the implication that the dress had been taken. He gave a shy nod and looked away from her and then took a snack, just taking the first one he could get. "So," he said. "Do you want to dance?"
He asked why and Snow waved it off. "Ah, just never really dress up I guess." She said, though that wasn't the entire reason. Then he asked her to dance. With a bit of an embarrassed look she toys with one of her curls. "I... am a really sh!te dancer actually. Two left feet and all." She said making an excuse. "Actually, would you want to maybe step out for a minute... Just talk?" She needed to break it to him. Her mannerisms were nervous, and unbeknownst to her could be taken as a signal that she was nervous around him. And while that wasn't untrue it wasn't for a positive reason in that moment.
Gregory nodded slightly at her, before giving a little frown, looking down at his own feet, his own cheeks reddening in embarrassment. He had thought that he should do that, should've asked her to dance. But it seemed like that had been wrong. He looked back at her and then felt a little nervous about why she wanted to talk, perhaps this was chance to ask her out in peace. "Okay, yeah," he once again extended his hand to her, for her to take and lead them to a quiet place to talk.
Snow wouldn't have normally taken Gregory's hand but it would be easier to lead them out. And so she did. With the gentlest grasp she led him a bit more away form people so they could talk. Once they were in a more secluded area just outside the ball she stopped and took a breath. "I uhm.. Jeeze, okay." She said stumbling over her words, something she never did. No Snow was always calm and collected. "I don't know how to say what i want to say, i wish you could just read minds." She said. "And maybe i don't even need to say anything, maybe you feel the same, I don't know." She said quietly.
Gregory followed Snow, feeling a little reassured as she did take his hand this time. He was just outside the hall in the secluded area. He wasn't sure what she was getting at and was trying to say she felt the same way. There was a beat after she spoke when he was just thinking about it. Before he nodded. "Yeah, I think so," he said before taking a breath. "Do you want to go on a date? A proper date as more than friends,"
Snow shifted weight from what foot to another, feeling like she needed to run from this situation. She wasn’t the person who hurt feelings. She protected them. Like she did with Melinoe. She hoped he got it. Prayed he got it so she didn’t have to be the bad guy but then he asked her in a date. Snow spluttered, her face becoming a sheer pink. “D-date? You want a date with me?” Was all she could squeak out. What she meant was to reassure him that he did not in fact want to go on a proper date with her. Because they were better as friends.
Gregory nodded a little as she repeated what she asked. He went to take her hand and give it a little squeeze as he nodded. "Yeah, a date, like to three broomsticks," he added, thinking on the spot about what they could do. He wondered how else to confirm it, if he should kiss her. Should he wait till she agreed before he do that. "We like each other like that right?"
Gregory took Snow’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Snow’s mind went blank for a moment. Her face was pure red and she wanted to reassure him that while she didn’t like him somebody would. But she couldn’t. She didn’t want to say something that would hurt him. She looked down at their hands, hers had to be sweating from nerves. “Gregory…” she couldn’t meet his gaze.
Gregory was nervous about it, and he tried to build his nerve a little and then leaned in, going to place a kiss on her cheek. As if hoping the kiss would make what he was saying a little more real. Gregory just hoped he was reading this right.
Cassius Styx had no intention to go to the Yule Ball, but after a quick run by the lake, he figured that it was a good time to come back in and head to the student lounge to relax before he would head home for the holidays. He would be going to Daemyn's apartment, since he was almost sure that the brother would end up buying a house eventually. And there were whispers of him having an affair with the neighbor, so Cass was interested. The only issue was that he would have to cross the Great Hall before he would go to the corridors. Or maybe he was making excuses. Plus, Dante might have shown up. It was hard to tell. He did see a sight that he did not expect. It honestly made his stomach ill. He stood back and could vaguely hear what was going on. Gregory was asking Snow for a date, but she wasn't saying no. She truly needed to learn to say no. Her face looked uncomfortable as all hell. And the Hufflepuff was leaning in for a kiss. The Slytherin decided to step in, which was somewhat unlike him anyway. He walked over and reached out to grab the Hufflepuff by the back of his shirt, and pull him away. Shame Cass had no restraint over his strength, since he usually went all out.
Snow was really about to say something. Gregory was leaning in to kiss her either on the face or on the lips and so she started to talk, but out of no where there was suddenly a Cassius standing there, grabbing Gregory by the collar and giving Snow enough time to pull her hand away and take a few steps back. “Cass?” She asked surprised. He wasn’t dressed for the ball, and he had said he wasn’t going. “I never thought I’d be grateful to see the likes of you.” She admitted before turning to Gregory, she took a deep breath. “Greg I don’t like you as anything more than a friend I’m sorry. I thought I made that clear over the last couple weeks…” she finally said. “Cassius said I should have ripped it off like a band aid but I really didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” She continued. “I should, probably go…”
Gregory had been about to kiss her cheek when suddenly, he was yanked away and his feet were immediately out from under him. He crashed to the ground and glanced up, not hearing Snow's first words, but feeling confused. Why was it Cassius. Why was it always Cassius. He glanced at Snow, and his heart felt like it had been ripped out of his chest. The fact she didn't like him, that they were just friends, that she had told Cassius but hadn't wanted to tell him. She had leaned on Cassius and not him when whatever happened had happened, and Cassius had to be the one to stop this. She might not have wanted to hurt his feelings, but she had. "You're not a very good gryffindor are you?" He immediately regretted saying it, but he couldn't help himself. "Go away, both of you," he was hurt and embarrassed and god he just wanted to never think about this ever again. This was what he got for being excited about something.
Once Cass pulled Gregory away from Snow, it was unsurprising when Gregory fell on his a**. Snow explained herself, which he wondered why she did not say anything beforehand, but then again, she was probably too nice of a person to do that. It was a real shame though, and then his eyes went down to Gregory insulting Snow, which his gaze landed on Snow to see the tears in her eyes. He rolled his eyes and knelt down to grab the Hufflepuff's hair to force him to look at what he had done to Snow. "Look at what you did. You might be surprised to know that no one is obligated to like you just because you like them." Cass was irritated as he continued, "Her sister died not long ago, and you dare to make her cry?" Cass let go and got up, and then walked toward Snow to reach out and grab her hand. "Come on, I'll walk you to the Gryffindor house."

Godmod approved
Snowdrop heard Gregory's words and they cut like a knife. She had always been quite prideful that she embodied a Gryffindor. Protecting those who couldn't protect themselves. Being brave and confident. That was what a Gryffindor was - but she hadn't been those things lately to Gregory. Protecting her own feelings over his, more worried about if he was upset with her than being Honest. She felt tears well in her eyes. On top of losing a friend - since she was sure he'd never talk to her again - she had lost her sister. This year sucked, her grades sucked - everything sucked. She sniffed, looking away when Cass pointed Greg's head up to look at her.

Cass then took her hand, offering to walk her to the Gryffindor house. She looked up at him, steely eyes a little red from the stress but just simply nodded. Allowing him to lead her away from this drama.
Gregory felt bad the moment the words had left his mouth. He didn't even mind as Cassius made him look at what he'd done. He knew he could argue this was as much Snow's own doing as his. He would've much rather she be honest with him, tell him what she was feeling, just say no. It would've saved him so much stress. Gregory liked Snow, she was pretty and a good friend, and now he'd had his heart broken and lost another friend. Gregory was beginning to think he just shouldn't bother making any friends. Gregory just remained on the ground after Cassius let go, so frustrated that the other boy had been there, seeing no need for him to get involved and just pour salt on his wounds. But if he hadn't, would snow have just worsening the broken heart that he now felt. The hufflepuff watched them leave and remain on the ground, wiping at his eyes. Willing himself to move before Horror or Terror decided to make his night worse.
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