Closed A Fruitless Attempt

Cassius Styx

5th year • arrogant • prideful • determined
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Cassius Styx wondered why he was here. Why was he about to do this? It was only going to end badly for him, but he could hardly stop thinking about that blush, and then there was that lesson in defence against the dark arts classroom and left him with a bad taste in his mouth. The entire thing with werewolves must have struck a cord with Snowdrop, and that was when he figured everything out. That and asking his father about it. After getting in contact with a former best friend of Snow's father, he learned why the best friend and Lucas never became a thing. He was a werewolf. Cass would not bring this up because after that lesson - it had to be a rough thing to live with. Not just her father but Snow herself. He himself didn't care one way or another as long as their conditioned was controlled. It would be nice if wolfsbane was cheaper. He shoved those thoughts to the side as he walked along the seventh floor corridor. With all the Gryffindors around, perhaps he would manage to run into someone that he was looking for, without making it seem like he was some sort of creeper, stalking someone. Cassius was a lot of things, but he was not that.
Snowdrop had woken up a bit late that morning, sleeping in was always a perk on the days she did not have classes. The brunette took her time getting ready, braiding half her hair and putting it back so it was half up and half down. With her thick locks that was more convenient than leaving them down when it was so hot. She exited the common room deciding to get herself a snack for the morning, when she spotted someone a little taller than normal in the halls. What was Styx doing all the way up here? She gave him a polite smile as she passed by, they were in much better terms now that he wasn’t being as much of a jerk, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be his friend.
Cass managed to see Snowdrop, and then she even gave him a polite smile. But then kept walking. Wait, no hi? No hello? No 'Screw off'? So, the Slytherin decided that now was the time to ask. They were third years now, and probably looking to start a romantic thing. Cass himself didn't know everything of what he was feeling, but he knew that it involved something in his gut that didn't make him physically ill. "Hey, Snow, hang on a second!" Cass called out since he didn't want to actually, physically run after her. That would probably make him either run her over, or hit someone out of the way. Cass had too much on his plate from his sister's death that getting in trouble would just be too much drama for him, and ultimately, his parents that were likely still grieving.
Snow heard her name and stopped walking, turning to face Cassius. What could he possibly want? On her face was a look that said while she was being polite and standing there she was slightly annoyed to be taken away from the task at hand in her mind. "Yes, Cassius?" She asked, tone even. She hugged her books to her chest now, looking up at him. Goodness he was tall wasn't he?
At least she was not ignoring him. He strolled up to her so that he could at least ask her a question. This would be beneficial for him because he didn't want to think about what was happening at home. A distraction, yes. That was what he wanted, a distraction, and Snow was pure-blood and pretty... So, this could be his ticket. He had no plans to ask anyone else because not many were actually on his level. "I was wondering if you had a date to the Yule Ball." Cass figured he should ask if she had one, before asking if she could be his date.
Snowdrop's blue eyes widened a bit at his question. She blushed, mainly out of embarrassment that she didn't have a date... yet! Yet because Greg would ask her she was sure of it. After all they were best friends it was only logical. She took a breath, ready for Cassius to make fun of her when she answered. "No, I don't." She said honestly.
Cass noticed how embarrassed she was. So, that meant that she didn't have a date. That was great! He could not resist a smirk over that revelation, though not for the same reason that she was thinking. He was hoping that he could take away anyone else's hope of having Snow on their arm. "That's good news. Makes it easier for me anyway," Cass put one of his hands on his hip. "Want to be my date to the ball?"
Snowdrop would have never, in a hundred, million years, have guessed the next words out of Cassius Styx's mouth. She couldn't control the way her face lit up like a Christmas tree. He wanted to go to the dance? With her? She opened her mouth and then closed it again. "Cass..." She couldn't even finish his name, she felt so... bad? For what she was about to say she supposed. "Well I... I was actually hoping that Gregory would... ask me." She said, biting her lower lip and waiting for his reaction.
Cass cocked his head to the side when she said his name, or rather, part of it. That was what his siblings called him when they could not pronounce his name properly. It made things easier with them. But then her next words made him freeze in his place. She wanted to go with that mudblood?! It wasn't like Cass himself had been prince charming or anything (honestly more like an evil witch) but hell, wasn't he at least better looking? "...Why?" Cass could not help but ask, though now he folded his arms across his chest. She didn't say anything down to him, so why was Gregory Friend the better choice?
Snowdrop waited for him to say something ruthless about her choice, but he didn't. She shrugged and looked away. "We Play Video Games together... I like him, a lot. " She admitted, the first time she'd said anything out loud about it to anyone. Not even Morrigan. "I'm sorry." Snow apologized because she felt like saying no might hurt his feelings, and she didn't want to do that in this instance.
Cass wondered if that was what did it. Video Games. He had some books in his bag over the history of them, but he never had the ability to play because of his mom. "So, you guys play video games together so you like him for that? Huh. Wish I was allowed to do that then you might have liked me first..." Cass trailed off. He shrugged his shoulders, "It's fine. Who am I to steal you from the one you want most, you know?" Cass then side stepped to continue on his way. Seriously, he was better looking, why not him and leave the four-eyed boy to his own devices? Probably wouldn't be man enough to ask her anyway.
Snow's face became more irritated as he talked. What did he mean if he played video games she would have picked him, that wasn't all she liked Gregory for. He wasn't rude like Cassius was. Her face was now red with indignance. "Whatever, troll brains!" She said angrily, turning on heel and continuing on the way she was walking.

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