🌹 Rose Giving A Double Yellow Rose

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie had decided signed up herself and Aurora for the rose giving, they were sharing one basket and doing it together. Which was probably just ore than Rosie was always going to hand out roses and Aurora was always going to just tag along. Rosie insisted on them both wear the red rose flower crowns that she had made. She held her sister's hand as they went to the first location, an older girl, and from Branson a prefect. So a good place to start in Rosie's mind was here where they couldn't access. She knocked on the door and took a step back.

Two Yellow Roses For Estella Fuentes
Aurora could admit that she was warming to the idea of the rose giving, it had been fun to write them and now she'd be delivering them. She wasn't doing it herself, but letting herself be dragged by Rosie to do it. She hadn't minded the red rose flower crowns they were both wearing, she liked the way it sat and matched with her red lipstick. She followed her sister to the first location and in looking at the basket realised they had two roses for this girl, "There are two for her," she whispered to her sister to remind her.
When looking for recipients, Estella always went to the most obvious place first. She had just finished delivering all of the prefects their roses, which was mostly successful in the prefect's common room. As she was heading out of the common room however, she was stopped by two Gryffindor first years who were both looking amazing with red flower crowns that matched their red lipstick. "Oh my gosh, you guys look amazing!" she exclaimed, wondering how they managed to look so good during a whole day of running around. "I can make you flower crowns with some yellow flowers in it as well to match your Gryffindor ties if you'd like." Estella was always happy to help, especially if people were also into looking their best. "How are you guys going delivering the roses?"
Rosie smiled at the older girl who opened the door and blushed lightly at the compliment. "I was actually thinking of adding pink next time, not yellow, might be too Gryffindor," Rosie said, she was a gryffindor and it being more gryffindor was not something she usually minded but for roses, in her mind, any would be good. "Good! We have roses for you," Rosie picked out one of the yellow ones roses and one of the notes and held it out to Estella.


It’s nice to have someone smart in my classes. Looking forward to acing everything with you.

Aurora was pretty pleased by the compliment, it was nice of Estella to say that. "I did say they might need some yellow," she had let Rosie make the flower crowns so wasn't too unhappy with their pure red roses, but it would be nice to mix it up. "Oh yeah, we've just got started but it's gonna be fun," Aurora told Estella as Rosie got the first rose and then Aurora took out the second. "We have two for you," Aurora said holding out the second yellow rose.

Happy Valentines Essie!
Thanks for being the bestest friend! I love making things with you at the arts club. Hope you have a wonderful day!
- Ana Sofia
The two girls didn't seem to agree with each other, with one agreeing with Essie and the other not. "Pink and yellow would look good. It would match the colour of the roses that we are delivering!" Essie exclaimed, happy to bring some light into the discussion. As they said they had roses for Essie, she beamed. "Oh, you have two!?" she said, surprised at how many yellow roses she was getting that year. She took them both, chuckling a little as Ares addressed the letter to Emily. She knew it was only a joke at this point. The other rose was from Ana, and Essie held it close to her heart as she thanked the girls. "Thank you so much for these! Did you guys get any roses?"
Rosie grinned and nodded, perhaps it would be something to consider and do. She wasn't entirely sure on it, the red had been the nicest colour in her opinion. But she nodded. Handing the roses over and was glad that it was something that appeared to bring Estella joy. "None yet, but I don't mind," Rosie said, she knew she'd love a rose but wouldn't mind not getting on because handing out roses was certainly more fun.​
Aurora watched as Estella took the roses and it seemed to be something that pleased her. She was happy for that. The gryffindor gave a little nod of agreement to her sister. "I mean I'd like a rose, but it's early in the day so we'll get some later," Aurora said with some certainty.
Essie frowned a little when both of the girls told her that they hadn't received any roses yet. "Don't worry, I'm sure you guys will get some soon. You're probably too busy running around the castle for anyone to find you." Essie told them, knowing that surely they had some friends that wanted to send them something.

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