Closed A Book and a View

Lucy Montague

Inquisitive | Friendly | Naïve
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy had decided to take a short stroll outdoors. The day was clear and bright, and perfect weather for enjoying the outdoors. She was really liking it so far at Hogwarts - she'd made one friend already, by her count, and looked forward to meeting more students. After taking a walk, meandering across the lawn and admiring the scenery, Lucy plopped down beneath a tree and took out a book. She opened it up and began to read but felt distracted. For one, the text was dense and not nearly as engaging as she'd hoped. For another, she kind of wished she was talking to someone. It was an urge she had from time to time, and she kept peeking up from her book periodically hoping to catch another first year who'd had a similar idea to her.
Marama was getting used to life at Hogwarts quickly thankfully. She knew having her older brothers around was going a long way to help, but at the same time she couldn't help wondering what it would be like to be exploring this world by herself, making her own path and legacy without Manaia and Rāwhiti's shadows over her. She had missed her brothers as they went off to Hogwarts of course, but the last few years of defining herself had been good, and she didn't want to change that so easily.

Walking out in the grounds, Marama couldn't tear her eyes off the lake. It was definitely too cold to swim in the middle of winter, but she couldn't shake the impulse. She was much more used to swimming at beaches, but a lake would be a good slice of home, of the part of her life she had chosen for herself. After staring at the lake for a while she spotted a girl sitting by a tree nearby, and figured she might as well make something of this trip outside. Just staring at the lake for hours was a bit sad, but making a new friend would make up for it. She wandered over, giving the other girl a small smile when she caught her eye. "What're you reading?"
Lucy looked up and smiled back. She then looked down at the book as though just registering it was there. "Oh, just a book on transfiguration," Lucy said, sliding a bookmark between the pages before closing the book. "I was trying to study ahead of class but honestly, the writing is a little boring." Lucy was glad someone had come along, and someone who looked about Lucy's age. She tried to think back to the Sorting to remember the girl's name, but her memory of that night was a blur. "I'm Lucy, by the way. Ravenclaw."
Marama was pleased that the other girl seemed happy to chat, nodding as she explained. "Yeah, I looked through some of the textbooks but they're so dense, aye?" She smiled, taking the chance to sit down across from the Ravenclaw. "I thought Transfiguration would be fun, turning stuff into other stuff, but it all looks like boring theory stuff." She smiled when Lucy introduced herself, nodding. "I'm Marama, I'm in Gryffindor. Ravenclaw's pretty cool though, my auntie's your Head of House."
"Right? I really want to learn about magic but it's so complicated. Or at least, the books are," Lucy noted, agreeing with the other student. "I can't wait till we can actually use our wands." Lucy had been waiting her whole life to learn how to use magic and she was ready and eager to finally start. "Oh wow!" Lucy exclaimed on hearing Marama's auntie was head of Ravenclaw house. "I didn't know that! That's so cool."

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