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  1. B

    One Date And You Are Mine

    Bobby Sanchez was working. He had been on good behavior, and he had been allowed to have his weekend like all the other students. He had been getting information on Vicxen via his former relationships with some Beauxbatons girls. Bobby had been obsessed with the Beauxbatons girl for several...
  2. B


    Okay. I just figured out how to change the color on things in GIMP. I just want your guys opinions/constructive criticism on how I am doing. :) So here is the original image. And here is the edited image (eyes)
  3. B

    Bobby Sanchez

    Full Name: - Bobby Austin Sanchez Bobby On His Name: Bobby is not short for anything. It is just Bobby, and it means 'bright fame'. I think my 'rents have some good name pickin' skills because Bobby is of German origin. Sometimes I tell people my name is Austin because this name suits me well...