Hogwarts New Zealand

Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
What's wrong boo bear?
Chrysander Kaster
Chrysander Kaster
I don't answer to that name anymore.
Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
Wait, what? I didn't do anything. Someone else call you boo bear or are you cranky??
Chrysander Kaster
Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
.... okay then? See you later boo bear
Chrysander Kaster
Chrysander Kaster
I just said I don't answer to that name. Call me by it again and I won't answer you at all.
Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
Good lord Chrys what happened? Are you okay? Do I need to knock someone out? I will
Chrysander Kaster
Chrysander Kaster
Maybe you should go check in with Onyx
Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
Onyx? What? ....oh lord

Okay straight up whatever the frig happened with you two that's between you two, got it? I didnt let his drama with Jake end my friendship with him and it's not ending you and me either.
Chrysander Kaster
Chrysander Kaster
Look babes, I don't do families, okay, I cut it off at the head. So don't come looking for me because I don't want anything to do with you. I've had it with the lot of you Michaels.
Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire Michaels
What? Screw that, you're my brother. Does this look like a normal family to you? Onyx can have his drama but it isnt my business what or who he does. You on the other hand, I dont care who you do either. You're still my brother, Chrys. With or without him.
Chrysander Kaster
Chrysander Kaster

I'm out.