Closed Talking and Walking

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
It had been an busy semester but June was all ready for more and couldn't wait for her fifth year on Hogwarts. There was much happening in the next year, not only she would have other professors, the opportunity to become an prefect would be there. It was another goal to achieve and she had her eyes on the prize. Misha and Professor Castillo would both teach her next year and after her talk with her head of house she figured it was time to catch up with Misha too. Because June was so busy, she sometimes forgot to work on the relationship with her adoptive father. Well father was not the word for her, but perhaps just adoptive person who opened his house for her. That seemed about right.

The blonde made her way outside, which was not her favorite place. But it was good to have an walk together with Misha and catch up. So June waited just outside the castle. After an day inside studying it was good to have some fresh air after all. She decided to leave the parfum today, so that no bee's thought she was an flower to come and smell at.
Misha was trying his best to balance the different aspects of his life, and specifically with June. He wanted her to be settled and succeeded, which in the latter she was certainly doing so. he knew that she was independent, in a manner that Cyzarine had never really been. But he wanted to try and be more for her. They had opted to stay at the school, which he was content with, able to spend time with Isabelle and then with June, whenever he could. He found his adoptive daughter outside, getting some fresh air. "Taking some time away from the books?" he said softly as he moved to sit next to her.
As June sat on the bench just outside the castle, she heard some footsteps and a few times it were different people. But this time when she turned around she noticed Misha. She had never been an child to hide behind her parents, she was curious and not scared to talk to people. So it wasn't hard when she met Misha to build up an relationship in a way. Though it was kind of hard to look at him as an father figure, since her mind was still with her own biological father. June was loyal to him, and would remain so. But she never spoke of it with others. She smirked shortly as he made an comment. '' Are you jealous of them?'' June joked back. '' I spent more time with them than with you lately.'' She than added with an smile.
Misha laughed at her joke and gave a little nod, going along with her joke. "Maybe I am, but I know I can't compete with books," Misha joked lightly. "Read anything recently that I might enjoy?" he asked, though he was sure that she likely had been reading school books rather than things which were more casual reads.
June looked at Misha's reaction. And smirked herself, he seemed to know her more by now. But June never showed all. Just what she wanted him to see. '' I think study books about charms, might interest you.'' The blonde said with an grin. She didn't read fairytale books or fiction stuff, just what she needed to learn about the magical world and it's history and what she needed for class. '' Time is really flying by. Next year you will have me in your class already.'' The blonde added with an smile.

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