Recent content by Masque Fleur

  1. M

    So You Wanna Be a Hero, Kid

    "Well of course not my boy... This is my home after all" Fleur made sure that each of Fleur's words made their way, curling into Robins ears. "And you... shall be apart of it. My most prized performer" His lips curled up into the mysterious looking smile as he bathed Robin with praise...
  2. M

    So You Wanna Be a Hero, Kid

    And there it was, the Camp of Fleur's circus. each tent that was set up was more extravagant then the last, fine fabrics of all colours hanging off it. Trinkets and such where hung outside each one. Giant poles 5 stories high marked the entrance of the camp, Giant curling flames of all colours...
  3. M

    The Red Handed Delicacy

    He act had cracked. Her fear, painted over her face. The night seemed to be ever darker and pressing in against them. The only light coming from that of the lantern far off down the ally and the faint glistening of the gems he wore. Fleur had the uncanny ability to grab attention and keep it, to...
  4. M

    The Red Handed Delicacy

    'Hmm, well I don't get in trouble, I cause it. I am trouble. I am... Désirée.' Fleur's eyebrow raised slowly to the statement. It was a rather bold thing to say to a stranger that could possibly be a mass murderer or something of the like. slowly his eyes trailed over her figure, calculating...
  5. M

    The Red Handed Delicacy

    Fleur noticed the rather acrobatic woman dance and cartwheel across the rooftops and then through the streets. He looked closer and noticed the odd shade of red on her lips. As he drifted closer to her in the shadows, he smelt it.. Blood. How interesting A devilish smile crossed his face before...
  6. M

    So You Wanna Be a Hero, Kid

    Even as the performance started winding down the music would continue, and those foolish enough to take the hand of a performer would be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Fleur would gain performers tonight and that was for sure.. But the knife juggler would be his prize. The warmth followed...
  7. M

    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear Me, ...School, ah.. don't try and change the subject. School starts again on friday.. and your not even in the slightest bit ready. Pull yourself together man :glare: Sincerely, The rather small voice in your head that still has sense. [hr] Dear Sleep, It's been 4 days now, I'm sorry...
  8. M

    A parade at dusk.

    And there it was 'I would like to perform with you, Just as fleur had thought. This boy was his now.. Another puppet for his wonderful kingdom of performers. The music and thrill would keep him wanting more, he would never leave. Fleur's eyes followed with a devilish smile as the boy asked for...
  9. M

    A parade at dusk.

    Fleur tilted his head to the side very slightly as a slow smile crossed his face. By the looks of his clothing, he had to be from a circus.. And to be from a circus you must have circus skills. How peerfect.. I've been needed some new performers The thoughts that went through Fleur's head were...
  10. M

    A parade at dusk.

    Fleur nearly danced ahead of his parade, the lantern swinging around him. All in all, he simply looked like a mysterious performer and leader of a troupe.. If only people knew the deeper, darker parts of his being and that of his troupes. Still, tonight would be harmless. A simple parade to...
  11. M

    A parade at dusk.

    The sun had just set in the sky and the shadows of night crept upon Brightstone. Few people wandered about the streets as many were getting ready for bed. But sleep wouldn't be had yet, no, not yet.. Not when the evening was as perfect as this.. There was a warmth in the air that didn't belong...
  12. M

    An almost expected meeting.

    The fire eater closed his eyes and sighed.. and for a brief moment, Fleur actually thought he would give in that easy. But, of course, he didn't. And Fleur hadn't at all been expecting him to.. After all.. a man was as his art.. And fire was temperamental to say the least. It did comes to a...
  13. M

    An almost expected meeting.

    Fleur laughed lightly before sending his can out in front of trip, the crystal glowing slightly. "Now now now.. It won't take that long" His head tilted very slightly to the side with a slight smile. "Anyway... you think I'm going to pass up the chance of having someone like you join me?" He...
  14. M

    Silver Hour PART 1 (Invite Only)

    Of course, Fleur had decided to wait until Miss Le'Creigh had finished her speech. He was, of course, not rude enough to impede on that.. but still. When her speech was spoken and people began to stroll off with their food in drinks.. It was time. Fleur appeared at the entrance with his arms...
  15. M

    An almost expected meeting.

    It was a fine afternoon. And if all went well, it would be all the finer. He was out in search for one, 'Tripudio Incendia'. You see.. Fleur had all sorts of people in his 'circus'. He had trapeze artists tumblers contortionists , clowns... everything.. well.. Everything but A fire performer...