Recent content by June Davenport

  1. June Davenport

    Closed Talking and Walking

    It had been an busy semester but June was all ready for more and couldn't wait for her fifth year on Hogwarts. There was much happening in the next year, not only she would have other professors, the opportunity to become an prefect would be there. It was another goal to achieve and she had her...
  2. June Davenport

    Open Sunny Day

    As June was waving around, becoming irritated by insects excisting on this earth she saw an younger student coming to her. And he opened his mouth too. June was not in the mood for stupid people. And she had no clue what he was here for now. '' Well. I'm not.'' June said annoyed. '' But my...
  3. June Davenport

    MESSI Presents: The Threadies - Nominations

    Ok so I have to admit. I want to read more topics from others, but usually I am too busy with keeping up with mines next to classes. So same as Kadi some self nominations here too. I have such a blurry mind so hard to remember some. Category: Biggest Tearjerker Thread Thread Title/Link: An...
  4. June Davenport

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Thanks for the update!
  5. June Davenport

    Open Sunny Day

    It was not very often that June chose to spend her day outside. Ofcourse it wasn't that she was trapped inside the castle and never got some fresh air. Usually she did an walk outside in the morning or evening when it was less busy. But today it was an beautiful day, the sun was shining and June...
  6. June Davenport

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  7. June Davenport

    ✍️ HNZ Community signature ✍️

    Can someone please add me, thanks! :hug:
  8. June Davenport

    Open Wow..This Sucks

    June stood close to the table, following Morrie with her eyes to an boy in their house who seemed an idiot as well. Screaming or complaining at the house meeting at the beginning of the year. June remembered. June grinned as she the boy dodged the cake. Putting her arms over eachother she looked...
  9. June Davenport

    Closed An Coffee for an Badge?

    He at least seemed to enjoy the coffee, and June just took little sips of hers. But some caffeine was not bad with all the work she had to do for her studies. There were more people who told her to take less classes, and now so did her head of house. She listened to him and took it all in. '' If...
  10. June Davenport

    Open Wow..This Sucks

    June felt amazing in her dress, she knew it was not one others would wear too. Since she wanted to stand out from others. And make them jealous. Her mother who had passed away had left a lot of clothes, and June always admired her mother in her style. So this one was some her mother had wore...
  11. June Davenport

    Yule Ball

    June Davenport Solo
  12. June Davenport

    Happy Birthday Cyndi!

    Happy B-day Cyndi!! :hug:
  13. June Davenport

    Open Number One

    As he commented back, she grinned. He liked to be surrounded with people over being alone than it seemed, waiting till the dance was over. But if June didn't liked something, she didn't do it unless she could get something out of it. She just put up her shoulders. '' So how can an dance be more...
  14. June Davenport

    Closed An Coffee for an Badge?

    June was glad that Professor Castillo seemed to like her present. '' And how many times did that happen before?'' June asked bluntly with an grin. She was glad this was turning out exactly what she wanted it to be. As he took an sip, the blonde knew she just had it right. And looked over to the...
  15. June Davenport

    Open Y46 Slytherin Team Pep Rally

    June didn't care for quidditch at all. She thought it was an very dumb sport and for brainless people. It seemed stupid to fly after something all the time or throw something through an ring. What was the fun in that? And why would you risk getting injured? But June wanted to show her face and...